Engaging with God’s Word can:

Engaging with God’s Word can:

Turn your members into faithful disciples.

Give visitors a reason to come back for more.

Resource your community outreach programs with a powerful tool that promotes your church.
Minister to every visitor…every member…every day.
People are desperately searching for direction.
A daily devotional can quickly become an important part of someone′s everyday life.
Click below to read a sample devotion.
For as few as 100 copies a quarter, this devotional can be branded with your church’s name and logo, and include an encouraging letter from you on the inside, along with your photo.
The Word For You Today is designed so that the authors’ and publishers’ names have been deliberately omitted, allowing you to place this tool in the hands of everyone within your sphere of influence so that they can engage with God’s Word daily and be reminded that they have a pastor who cares.

People are desperately searching for direction.
A daily devotional can quickly become an important part of someone′s everyday life.
Tap below to read a sample devotion.
For as few as 100 copies a quarter, this devotional can be branded with your church’s name and logo, and include an encouraging letter from you on the inside, along with your photo.
Take a test drive.
You can receive a devotional in the mail for free and experience our brand new personalized app!
Both the digital experience through our app as well as the print edition are highly personalized.
Both the digital experience through our app as well as the print edition are highly personalized.
Take a closer look:
Your very own personalized devotional app.
Pastors will have their name and picture shown in the app as well as in the printed devotional. Your church logo will be printed on the cover of the devotional and published in each reading in the app. Your personal letter is published in each reading and made accessible to all readers.
And get this! You even have the ability to communicate real-time with your congregation via an easy-to-use notification feature in the app.
Publish your own content with the announcement feature.
With our Announcement feature, you can communicate with your readers in a whole new way.
Create your own updates, announcements, and messages to your readers as often as you want.
This feature allows you to schedule the specific time and date that your announcements will be published.
You can use your own graphics, photos, and even audio recordings to enhance your content.
Grow your influence and ministry reach throughout your community.
Any time one of your readers shares a devotion or announcement through text, social media, or email, they are seamlessly connected to your church’s app. Encourage your congregation to share devotional content and your church’s announcements with friends and watch your reading audience grow.
there is minimal time and effort on your part. We provide the content, and manage the design, print, and shipping to your church. All we need is your church’s logo, a letter and a photo of you.
With our turn-key process
Within Your Church
Introduce your church to THE WORD FOR YOU TODAY
Turn your members into evangelists
Make an impact on visitors and new members
Resource your leaders
Take God’s Word to Work
Expand your reach in the community
Outside Your Church
Food Pantries
Prison Ministry
College & University Outreaches
Hospital visitation
Reach the Spanish-speaking community with our Spanish edition.

“This is the best devotional I have ever read. Our congregation has been using The Word For You Today for over twelve years. It’s a great gift to visitors and new converts. I highly recommend it to every pastor and congregation who wants to grow deep in the Word.”
The Word For You Today devotional prevents us from becoming spiritually empty because it keeps us filled with the Word of God. This powerful literary tool has created an excitable enjoyment within our congregation and beyond.
“…as a church, we can all be on the same page with our devotional. That is exciting to me…I believe this is a gift from God for our church.”
Our consultants are ready to guide you through the design process. Ask about promotional offers for first time buyers. *Restrictions and deadline limitations apply.