Social Media Kit

Promote your devotional app with our beautifully designed social media promotion kit.

Promotional App Trailer Videos

Promote your devotional app with these fantastic promotional videos.

There are 3 variations all with different endings.

  1. Video 1  – Instructs to get more information from your Facebook Page.
  2. Video 2  – Instructs to get more information from your Website.
  3. Video 3  – Instructs to get more information by scanning the QR code at the end.

Instructional Graphic 1 [ pdf ]

This .pdf download is a perfect size to print and place in an area where you readers will be able to find it.

Instructional Graphic 2 .jpg

This helpful tool is in .jpg format and is a perfect size to use on Facebook or via email.

Graphics for Sanctuary and Conference Room Screens

This helpful tool is in .jpg format and is a perfect size to use on Facebook or via email.

Screen slide 4×3

Screen slide 16×9

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